Friday, November 18, 2011

Thanksgiving is for kids

I love when the kids have their Thanksgiving celebrations at school. Pilgrim hats and Indian headdresses come home to me clasped in excited hands. Noodle necklaces and feather's decorate projects, the famous hand turkey makes its way onto another project. This year was no different....

Jacob's fabulous pot-holder....OMG I love, love, love it!

I'm so blessed to wake up to this sweety every single day.

and then there's the.....

most devlish meanest looking Pilgrim ever! 

Kind of like The Shining, eh? 
Her faces kill me.
Her stares melt you.
Emma had also mastered the art of the
 stare down right around this age.

If I were an Indian, I wouldn't mess with her!

Happy day to all!


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